I’m a passionate designer that wants to improve people's lives through well thought out design that lead to a simpler way of navigating. My way of fulfilling this passion is by creating logical and simple User Interface Design that in turn leads to a greater User Experience. I believe that it is important to evaluate the user experience by implementing different types of User research methods. I enjoy looking for new perspectives and working methods, since I truly believe there are always more things to learn.


I have a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design and Communication and a masters in Cognitive Science with focus on Design. This degree helped me understand several design processes and how to use creative thinking in my work. It also taught me how to solve different kinds of consumer problems through learning about the users, identifying the user’s needs, generating ideas and concepts through sketching, developing lo fi to hi fi prototypes and testing and evaluating the design/product design with users.


I love gaming! Not only because of the challenges that the games present but also because of the good graphics and music. My master thesis involved developing a game that could be used in VR. Maybe not the prettiest graphic-wise, but alas my first game! I also want to become a great programmer one day, so in my spare time I’m working on developing my skills in programming and game development.


Desirability Testing with potentional users / Sketch diary - Design Rationale / Adobe Illustrator


Created three different designs including copy for the comany Briteback. These were to be used for their new Team Communication Platform. The design...

Creative thinking / Copy / Branding / Adobe Illustrator

Corporate Identity and Branding

School project for the course Corporate Identity and Branding. The design team consisted of me and Matilda Björs. We came up with the concept idea of...

Wordpress / Photoshop / UI Design / Logo Design

Web Development & Design

Wordpress website and logo created for a one year project called UngDriv. The aim of the project was to decrease urbanization in Östergotland. The ins...

Usability testing / UI & UX / VR / Visual Scripting / Game Design /Game Dev/ Unity / Oculus

Game Development in Unity for VR

The aim of this Master's Thesis was to find out the difference in Game User Experience Satisfaction (GUESS) when using SimProv, both in VR (Oculus Rif...

Design thinking / Design sketching / UI & UX /Adobe Premiere Pro / Photoshop

Concept Idea - Inspiration Generator

This project was made for two researchers at Linköping University. I did this project in collaboration with Emma Melander. The aim of the project was...

App / Smartwatch / UI & UX / Graphic design / Creative Thinking

Concept Idea - Shared Shopping List and Smart Car

These designs were made for the course Interaction Design - Multiple screens. Shopping list concept: Research has shown that people find shopping list...

Web design / Design thinking / Design sketching / PHP (Slim) / SASS (Scss) / MySQL / InVision


I wanted to create a portfolio to show some of the projects that I had been working on. I started with sketches of the design and later moved on to de...